
Frosted Caramel-Pecan Brownies





Frosted Caramel-Pecan Brownies

I love brownies under the most normal, everyday circumstances. They’re often just the perfect thing for a little sweet treat. These brownies, however, are even more special than usual.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. As part of that, OXO is doing a very good thing with their Cookies for Kids’ Cancer program. OXO has partnered with food bloggers to raise money for this great cause. For every blog post about their program this month, OXO is donating $100 to Cookies for Kids’ Cancer!

Each blogger was asked to choose cookies, brownies, or cupcakes to bake. I chose brownies and soon received a set of OXO brownie-baking tools to help me make those brownies. And now that I have, I’m so happy to share them with you and help Cookies for Kids’ Cancer gain another $100.

Now, for all the brownie details. As many brownies as I’ve made over the years, very rarely have I frosted brownies. It always seemed a bit too fussy. Oh, but I have now seen the light repulse bay Real Estate.

These brownies are topped with a wonderful caramel frosting that goes perfectly with all of that chocolate. Then, the frosting is covered with chopped pecans. If you know me at all, you know that these are pretty much perfect as far as I’m concerned Ergonomic furniture.

I offer a couple of helpful hints for making these. Work quickly with the frosting to get it spread on the brownies before it sets. Then, sprinkle the pecans on top of the frosting immediately and lightly press into the warm frosting so that they’ll stick to the frosting as it sets.

Be on the lookout this month for other posts from food bloggers for this great cause. In social media, look for #OXOGoodBrownie, #OXOGoodCookie, and #OXOGoodCupcake. You can see all the posts on OXO’s Bake a Difference Pinterest board. And, when you buy OXO products with special Cookies for Kids’ Cancer stickers, OXO will donate 25 cents per purchased special item to support pediatric cancer research discount wines.



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